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Understanding The Signs And Symptoms of Addiction

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Obsessive Feelings and Actions: Obtaining and using drugs becomes the central priority of one’s life, thus causing a person to leave other obligations like work, family, and school sidelined.

Disregarding the Risks and Warning Signs: Although drug abuse causes mental and physical distress, people that struggle with addiction continue to use drugs. This is because once someone is dealing with alcoholism and drug dependence the intense cravings make it too difficult to quit alone.

Loss of Power: Even when wanting to stop drug use, addicts don’t have the willpower to do so. This is because they’ve lost complete control of their drug use habits.

Denying or Hiding Drug Use: When confronted, people that are battling addiction will likely deny their drug use. Thus, to avoid getting caught in a lie and having to explain themselves to others, many addicts will use drugs in private.



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