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What attracted you to your current partner?

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Getting closer to people who we call friends can be as a result of one reason or another. Can you recall what really got you attracted to the current person that you are dating or married to at the moment?

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25 minutes ago, Henrywrites said:

Getting closer to people who we call friends can be as a result of one reason or another. Can you recall what really got you attracted to the current person that you are dating or married to at the moment?

I can write for days on all the things I love about my wife , Shes very loving , kind , smart , thoughtful and creative. The most amazing woman I ever met in my life. The fact she staid with me when I was in a bad state of depression and my home was less then appealing for humans to reside and she helped me clean up and shop better and leave a situation where my family controlled my money and everything I did. We knew each other as teens and argued allot and took a break and recently got back together married with a baby son. Some times we just have to let a relationship mature .

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Well first he was an army guy. He was in Iraq at the time we met. Met him through his dad as I met his dad on a forum that we both were admins for. Jordan is the kindest, most loving man I know. He loves me even with my flaws. He treats me like a queen. He's a goofball. He's so good with kids as he's a kid himself. 

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